MOCI Caucasus 2022
MOCI is an initiative by diverse European civic organisations for self-empowerment of communities and creative skills development in Europe. A first regional version of MOCI was implemented by non-profit associations in the Western Balkan in
early 2021. For the first Caucasus edition in 2021 we had developed the initial project “Step Up MOCI!” to connect and
transcend cultural constraints, creating common vocabularies and access to open knowledge within the South-Caucasus
to support sustainable and hybrid forms of social innovation and creative actions. Funding in 2021 were provided by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.
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Let’s Go MOCI!
The follow up in 2022 had a new project design and has focused on collaborative hands-on activities on the local level and sustain
the network via capacity building measures, prototyping local solutions and via face-to-face peer exchange for creative drivers
in the region.
I. Prototype future on the ground
Based on the successful ToT – and Community workshops in 2021 we developed a program for hands-on activities in close
collaboration with civic organisations on the ground. The actions were related to the already identified needs and potentials.
II. Building capacities for young drivers virtually
All approached communities benefit from professional or semi-professional skills and competences of certain drivers and
activists on the ground. We supported these individuals by taylor made webinars regarding relevant topics and needs in the
III. Support peer learning in real environments.
The module is aimed to introduce new formats of collaboration for some of the rural communities and to initiate new working
relationships. An intense Co-Creatio Week in Geogia is planned end of November to foster the regional collaboration and
preparing the planned one week interventions in four selected local peer communities in Georgia. The guest collaborators
will be supported by MOCI to introduce their experiences and professional backgrounds into new contexts of the MOCI
Regional Network Highlights
Co-Creation Week – context based collaboration for regional integration
The critical and reflective examination of political and social problems, the discussion and co-development of measures and
formats for integration and inclusion, as well as the collaborative setting of peer learning formed a special focus of the MOCI
project. With the Co-Creation week we wanted to support creative discourse and sensitive exchange of ideas and perspectives
based on project-based explorations in non-urban cities in Georgia during an one-week journey. The program was planned as a mixture of topic based exchanges like social impacts of urban development, space making, methods of community and resource mapping, creative tools for community building and the travel to our and working with our partners in Kaspi, Gori, Bolnisi and Rustavi to get first hand contextual insights.
Collaborative Intervention Week – short-term fellowships
This module was aimed to introduce new formats of collaboration for some of the rural communities and to initiate new working
relationships in the form of very short-term fellowships. As a follow-up activity of our gathering we called it the Collaborative
Intervention Week, where 8 regionals fellows were supported by MOCI to introduce their experiences an professional backgrounds
into new contexts of the MOCI peers in Georgia with the local communities (host-organisations) in Kaspi, Gori, Bolnisi and Rustavi.
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