Art must be destructive and constructive
Closely linked to the development of the critical maker movement and the cultures of free and open societies, icebauhaus explores spaces of practice that can help us better navigate today’s media infused battles for truth and knowledge.
Based on a variety of academic reflections, non- scientific research and thematic exploration, icebauhaus in collaboration with the authors Stephen Kovats and Victoria Wenzelmann wanted to contribute to the discussions of new formats and models for collaboration and creative work and ways in which professionals can contribute to the redefinition of obsolete models that may no longer respond effectively to the challenges of instantaneous or simultaneous communication, borderless movement of capital, data and knowledge.
Based on icebauhaus’ experiences of working in local and cross-regional networks, we published the C.A.M.P. booklet and the attached folio cards in 2018. The publication is intended as an open educational resource reflecting upon the experiences of the Fellows of our South-South Media-Lab Collaboration in 2018. As an international knowledge transfer program oriented towards the independent media sectors in East-Africa and South-East Asia, the SSMLab 2018 program by icebauhaus enabled participants greater opportunity to access information through mechanisms supporting freedom of expression.
DOWNLOAD: SSMLab 2018 C.A.M.P. booklet
DOWMNLOAD: SSMLab 2018 C.A.M.P. folio cards