The South-South Media Lab Collaboration (SSMLab 2018) was aimed to introduce new formats of collaboration between media centres and media professionals and to promote constructive and peaceful media work and discourse through the initiation of new working relationships across borders in the form of an in-residence program. The program has encouraged peer-learning and focuses on open and free media technologies to approach issues of press freedom and peace, media art and local cultural work in new creative, experimental and interdisciplinary ways through digital means. 

The SSMLab program was a collaboration between icebauhaus (Germany), common room (Indonesia) and iceaddis (Ethiopia) and was made possible with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Expanding the fellowships between East Afrcia and South East Asia

We have explored hard- and software, hacking and experimentation, journalism and storytelling, as well as media empowerment – all under the shadow of the geo-political dynamics that both separate and connect the Asian and African continents in all of their utopian and dystopian complexities.» (Gustaff H. Iskandar, common room, Indonesia)

When the East African Media Lab Collaboration became the South South Media Lab Collaboration in its second year, the goal of creating spaces for partnerships among media professionals, activists and innovators was both consolidated and widened in scope and scale. This program has always been motivated by a desire to create an alternative to the predominant model of fellowships based on south to north exchange. We were thrilled to be able to expand the program from East Africa to a South South residency between East Africa and South East Asia.

Together, fellows with their host organisations, created projects that ranged from the  documentation of feminist activism in Uganda to the creation of a collaborative database system prototype on extractive mining, oil and gas in Kenya and Cambodia, a photo exhibit exploring urban transformation and displacement in Addis Ababa to an augmented reality app for a graphic novel on how to unlock creative potential, a remote metering system prototype collecting environmental data to a short film on the life of a beekeeper in a social entrepreneurship program in the Nakivale refugee camp, and workshops and trainings on youth storytelling, AR and 360VR, social media strategy, and open source data and data journalism.

The participants were supported to introduce their own themes and professional backgrounds into new contexts. The transnational character of the program led to better global and regional integration and long-lasting continuation of the developed relations. It has been truly inspiring to witness these collaborations at work and to be a part of a community of committed individuals who create and critique, collaborate and innovate, share and teach for a better, more creative, innovative and just world.

DOWNLOAD: SSMLab 2018 brochure

DOWNLOAD: SSMLab 2018 C.A.M.P.  booklet

DOWMNLOAD: SSMLab 2018 C.A.M.P. folio cards

CHECK: SSMLab 2018 website