The initiative to create a media lab stems from the KMIC collective, an independent group of young people who have come together to help solve the acute post-independence social, political, educational and environmental challenges arising from 21 years of fought civil war.
Already constituted as the ad-hoc academy which focuses on film and video production, the initial focus is now on knowledge development through the creation of professional capacity building workshops and hands-on production.
The initiative to create a media lab stems from the KMIC collective, an independent group of students, to help solve the acute post-independence social, political, educational and environmental challenges arising from 21 years of fought civil war.
Addressing themes, such as post-conflict national transformation and the building of a democratic, and socially just South Sudan, jHUB’s mission is to provide an open forum to develop solutions to these challenges.
Through the project, different mentors and trainers from the region could join the jHUB team to support the development of the community and organisation. They co-developed the Open Leaning Guide as an putvoem of the ToT in Juba.
#peacehackcamp was a larger barcamp event organised in Juba by the jHub community together with different local and international partners.
#PeaceHackCamp was an intensive media literacy and inter-communal peace-building project that tapped into open source tools and media for their ability... and cultural perfomances of course.